Thursday, February 5, 2009

Should you list your house with the agent who gives you the highest list price?

I hope we all know the answer to this is a resounding "NO". Many agents will give a seller a high list price just to get the listing knowing that very likely they will be dropping the list price within a month. Unethical? Yes. Does it happen? All the time. Pricing your home too high, especially in today's market, will ultimately result in you leaving money on the table. Obviously this goes both ways, you don't want to list your home too low either. It is critical that your agent know what the market is doing TODAY. Honestly, my opinion is that many of them don't. My advice to you is to interview at least 3 agents before you decide who to list your home with. Make sure you pay close attention to the marketing plan that they present to you. It is critical that your agent have a plan that is specific to your unit. By the way, the key word there is "plan". Too many agents think selling a home is about sticking a sign in front of the house, inputing it into the MLS and they're done. If the agent you are interviewing doesn't have a marketing plan specific to selling your home, thank them for their time and show them the door.....

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