Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Follow up with the Environmental Impact Report that relates to the proposed "affordable housing" project

I am having some technical difficulties reposting the exact document in a way that fits into the blog template. Here are the "high" points: The project will consist of two buildings over approximately 1 acre of land along Alma between Homer and Channing. The main project is the Alma Family Affordable Housing built over approximately 16374 sq feet--5 stories. 49 units. The lower level will be commerical space. The secondary project will be for Seniors, built over approximately 6424 sq feet. The project will also include a reconfiguaration of Homer Avenue and the adjacent alley. This report identified that "the project would have significant impacts in the areas of transportation, noise, air quality (construction), hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality, and biological resources". 
Of course, any 5 story building should be a concern for downtown Palo Alto residents and businesses. 
There will be a public meeting to review this Environmental Draft Report and it is tentatively scheduled for March 18th, 2009. 250 Hamilton Avenue. 

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