Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Closed Sales in PA since 1/1/09

We have 10 closed sales in North Palo Alto since 1/1/09. Of those ten sales, one of them was a condo (at the Weatherly). Of the 10, three sold over the list price (fairly surprising), 5 sold under the list price, only 2 sold right at the list price. 
Of the homes that are currently pending sales: 2 of them are listed over 4 million, 1 listed over 3 million, 1 listed over 2 million ($2,095,000),  and 9 listed between $600,000 and $1,600,000. It will be VERY interesting to see what the actual sales prices are for these homes when they close but just looking at what's pending, it's fairly clear what part of the market is moving these days....

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