Friday, January 30, 2009

The Tour Sheet today

Before we go on tour each Friday we pick up the tour sheet with all the new listings in PA and/or old listings with price drops. Back at the peak, the tour sheet would often be 6,7, maybe 8 pages long! Today it is is a page and half. And of that there are only THREE new listings in North Palo Alto. This speaks to many things, the main one being we are obviously seeing some hesitancy on the side of the sellers in this uncertain market place to put their house on the market. But the fact is, houses are selling,  if there is something UNIQUE about the product. The new construction on Seale went right into contract as well as the unit at the Weatherly. That unit was in pristine condition having been owned by the builder who never lived in it. 
This may be an uncertain time in the market place but we are very light on inventory. Buyers are out there not just looking for a deal but they are looking for that unique product, too. Sometimes what is "unique" is the price, but not always as is evidenced by how quickly Seale and Homer went into contract this week....

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